
Chris Saxman’s analysis of Virginia politics at today’s Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce was richer and more suggestive than typical assessments. His talk had people chatting afterwards, because Chris knows (1) that “politics is downstream from culture”; and consequently, “context matters” ~ Delegate Lee Ware

Virginia FREE is a big asset and a strong bridge between Virginia’s business and political communities. They tell it like it is, and without reservation. Their only agenda is the future of Virginia’s economy and it’s been my pleasure to work closely with them during my time in public office. ~ Senator Mark Warner

“Chris Saxman is a highly skilled moderator. He not only spotlighted the candidates well, his crafting of the rules, topics, and questions facilitated a professional, extremely well-run candidate forum that got rave reviews. His artful questioning enabled the audience to discern between candidates and positions which will result in them making confident decisions at the ballot box.” ~ Victoria Cobb President, The Family Foundation

“Virginia FREE has long been a leading voice for the results-oriented, pro-business approach that is essential to job creation and economic growth. I admire this organization for its commitment to thoughtful, honest and independent advocacy on behalf of Virginia businesses and families.
Former Governor Terry McAuliffe

“Virginia FREE’s non-partisan, pro-business advocacy is an asset for Virginia’s business and political communities. Through constructive dialogue, they have been able to keep the goal of a healthy, growing economy at the forefront of their work. I appreciate all Virginia FREE does to protect and strengthen Virginia Businesses.” ~ Senator Tim Kaine

Chris Saxman is an outstanding debate moderator and journalist.  He asks incisive and poignant questions, maintains professional decorum throughout, and affords the audience an excellent opportunity to assess candidate strengths and weaknesses.~ Jonathan Emord, Candidate for US Senate

Virginia FREE plays a valuable role in bringing together business and political leaders to discuss and find solutions to the challenges facing the Commonwealth. I appreciate the work Virginia FREE and its leadership have done to drive the conversation about issues important to the business community.” ~ Former Speaker William J. Howell

Chris Saxman’s approach to moderating our U.S. Senate debate showcased his professionalism, policy acumen, and fairness while allowing candidates like myself to present voters with a vision to serve. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to moderate a debate for another race or with another organization.” ~ Scott Parkinson, Candidate for U.S. Senate

Great presentation. Presenter’s passion for what he does came through clearly.”

“Love politics and the regulatory environment is so important to the industry. Great speaker!”

“Was very interesting to hear from someone who has been there and is now more of an outsider looking back in.”

“I think we should try to have him back every year to give us his thoughts on what is happening in politics.”

“Always enjoy Saxman.”

~ Virginia Trucking Association September 2023